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Be a part of the film

"I'm so sorry for your loss."


"This sucks. I'm here for you."


"Your baby will be remembered."


Who better to tell the world what to say after a loss than the people who helped make this film a reality? We are asking you to be a part of the documentary. 


Submit a video of yourself saying the phrases that you'd like to hear people say to someone after they suffer a loss. Your video may be used in the final documentary, releasing Summer 2018. 


Here are a few guidelines:


  • If you use your phone, film horizontally. 


  • Make sure you include only yourself in the video. 


  • Film in the highest HD quality you can manage (1920 x 1080, 4K).


  • Avoid background noise. 


  • If you've got more than one phrase, say them in distinct and separate sentences. 



Once you've recorded your video, send us the video as an attachment or upload it to YouTube (private or public) and email the link to . Please remember to complete the video release below. We can't use any videos that we don't have a release for. All personal information will be kept confidential. Although we ask you to use your legal name in the release, you will have the ability to change your name in the final film credits. 


Every video submission will receive a mention in the Special Thanks of the documentary credits, regardless of whether the footage is used in the final film. 

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