I tried to smile and be polite but I could barely hold back the tears...
Early in February of 2015 I was surprised to find out I was pregnant with our 3rd child. I was exited but was also cautious. I had two...
The medical system was definitely failing me, leaving me in an emotional state that felt inhumane.
The biggest part of my life this past year, I’ve omitted from my stories, mostly because I’ve lacked the courage to share. I feel like...
Our stories are all different, but our pain is the same.
We prayed for a baby instead Heaven got an Angel. As I debated on whether or not to go public with this I feel that it is appropriate to...
I was scared, worried, confused but I WANTED that baby.
I have had two miscarriages, both early first trimester. In 2012 my first pregnancy was lost before I even knew I was pregnant. It hurt...