June Gloom- My Miscarriage In New York City
I don't really like when people tell me they are "trying" to get pregnant. All it really means is you're having sex. Unprotected sex. I...
...No one talks about this or prepares you for it.
I recently lost my perfect baby at 36 weeks. It was a perfectly healthy pregnancy, then one morning I didn't feel my baby girl moving. We...
...I So Wished This Wasn't Something I Had To Grieve Silently About
In the process of having my beautiful daughter, I have experienced 6 miscarriages. 2 before her and 4 afterwards. Each experience was...
We Felt So Alone
I recently lost my perfect baby at 36 weeks. It was a perfectly healthy pregnancy, then one morning I didn't feel my baby girl moving. We...
I Had To Carry My Angel For Another Six Days Knowing She Was Already Gone
Aurora's story I had a feeling I was pregnant when I was 9 weeks along. I had a feeling I might be, but wasn't sure if it was pregnancy...
I Remember the Silence of the Tech
After 2 years of marriage, my husband and I decided it was time to expand the family. We were young and healthy, and up to that point,...
The Loss of Innocence Made Me Stronger
The lines of where my fairy tale story begin and where the tragedy of my life ends is a blurred line of memories like the sun setting...