You Know Someone Struggling with Infertility and Loss: 14 Basics You Need to Know
1. You know someone struggling The numbers are staggering. 1 in 8 will struggle to conceive. 1 in 4 pregnancies will end in a loss. 1 in...

There's No Reason To Stay Silent
If you had asked me five years ago how I felt about my miscarriage and secondary infertility, I probably would have found a way to avoid...
I want women to know that it's okay to talk about the child they lost.
I was 3 months pregnant; my husband and I were both happy about the prospect of having another child (we have a daughter who was born in...

...I felt like such a failure as a woman.
When my daughter was 5 my partner of 4 years and I decided we wanted to add to our family. We tried for two years to conceive on our own...
...to the moon, to the stars and back.
Me and my husband were so excited to finally be adding our third child to complete our family, we had just told our family and everyone...
...that pregnancy ended while I cramped and sobbed alone in a bathroom at work.
I became a mother when I was nineteen. At nearly 22-years-old, I have yet to hold my own baby in my arms. My husband & I wanted to start...
That's when life changed for me...
I have been blessed with two beautiful girls, got pregnant easily both times. Nine years later I married my second husband and that's...
No one told me stillbirth was a thing.
I'm pretty sure I dreamed about being pregnant on the night I conceived. It was the night before Mother's Day, and I dreamed all night of...
I was ashamed to talk about it...
At the young age of 18 I became pregnant with my first child. Instantly I knew something was wrong, I had this terrible feeling that I...
I was literally crying in my sleep.
We had been trying for exactly a year when I found out I was pregnant on new years eve. We thought "what a way to end the year and start...